
PayGOV.US; LLC ( dba FreeandAccepted.US) is a financial services and payment solutions company. Our gateway allows our clients to accept credit card payments online, automate recurring payments, process manual payments for mail and telephone orders, and receive reports via a transaction reporting system. Many of our services are designed to benefit sectors faced with needs not met by conventional products. Based in Indianapolis, Indiana we currently serve over 700 municipal clients in 36 states.

FreeandAccepted.US has developed a turnkey payment application that can be easily and quickly modified to any user. The methods of payment acceptance are: online; in person; over the phone; and mobile applications. Our system will capture payment details and obtain authorizations for payment amounts. We process all major card brands and store non-private payment details indefinitely. All transactions made on our system are tracked and storage is maintained within all applicable PCI DSS standards.

We work with every Lodge to design their data collection and retrieval gateway. The platform is fully functional stand-alone, or, can be integrated into your bookkeeping software.  Don’t have a bookkeeping software? We can help you there too.  Our payment solution is scalable and can handle the most complex organization. 

For more information contact us at or or by phone at 1-866-480-8552.